

Aniegre, also called Anigre, Anegre or Aningeria(scientific name: Pouteriaspp.;previouslyAningeria genus), has a yellow-brown heartwood, occasionally with a pink hue. Its sapwood is pale, and indistinguishable, and it contains figured curly or mottled grain. Its texture is medium, its luster is good, and its grain is interlocked.

Aniegre is commonly found in Africa, mostly tropical east Africa. It is perishable, not durable, and not resistant to insect attack. Its sapwood is prone to fungal staining during drying.

Janka Hardness :

4,380 N(990 lbf)

Average Dried Weight :

550 kg/m3(34 lbs/ft3)

Workability :

Reasonable results can be achieved with hand tools and machine tools, though difficulty can vary with species. Lumber containing silica will blunt cutting tools.


Pricing / Availability

Even though it is considered as exotic wood and is generally imported, Aniegre is still reasonably priced. It is usually in lesser volume as veneer, but larger, solid boards made out of the material are also available in certain areas.



The IUCN considers certain species of this wood to be "conservation dependent". If any of the ongoing programs dedicated to safeguarding this wood’s population are officially stopped, then Aniegre would be added to their "Red List for Threatened Species". Aniegre is not mentioned in the CITES Appendices.


Common Uses

As mentioned earlier, it is used as a veneer, as plywood, and for furniture products. Aniegre boards are used for low-duty construction needs, everyday carpentry, and in building boats.

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