
Aromatic Cedar

Aromatic Cedar

Aromatic cedar, also called aromatic red cedar and eastern red cedar (scientific name: Juniperusvirginiana), has a heartwood of violet-brown or reddish color. The sapwood is pale yellow in color and may appear in heartwood as streaks/stripes. Its texture is very fine and has a straight grain with knots.

Aromatic red cedar is found in eastern North America. It has excellent resistance to insect attack and decay.

Janka Hardness :

4,000 N(900 lbf)

Average Dried Weight :

530 kg/m3(33 lbs/ft3)

Workability :

Aromatic cedar is easy to work with unless knots and irregularities are present. This lumber has high silica content, which dulls cutting tools. It is good with glues and finishes well.


Pricing / Availability

Aromatic cedar is generally available in two variants the knotty, smaller, narrower boards and the bigger, clearer, thicker boards. The knotty variant is widely available at affordable rates but the clear variant is more difficult to find.



It is not mentioned in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN’s Red List.


Common Uses

It is not mentioned on the IUCN’s Red List and in the CITES Appendices.

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