Brians Blog CITIES

Brians Blog CITES

As responsible buyers of wood products and good forest stewards, we are thrilled to see that the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) will add Ipe and Cumaru to their Appendix II this November.

Although Ipe and Cumaru are not endangered species, this measure aims precisely at regulating and creating new tools to protect these species from illegal extraction practices, ensuring their longevity.

This is a big leap for our industry in pursuing the most stringent sustainable practices.

Tropical Forest Products has, since its inception, followed the most rigorous sustainability measures from every country where we trade lumber. Alongside the U.S. and Canada, we have implemented initiatives to protect the world’s forests, including Legal Lumber™️, our proprietary Due Care compliance and education program which includes CITES compliance. TFP also maintains FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), Chain Of Custody Certification and FSC certified product offerings. Using third-party verification organizations, we are pleased to guarantee our clients that every forest product we carry meets the highest available international Due Care standards.

These standards and procedures have been put in place for all the species of wood that we sell long before CITES’ precautionary measures were adopted for Ipe and Cumaru.

We hope this resolution helps raise awareness toward the longevity of our forests, which is very dear to Tropical Forest Products since the day we opened our doors.

At Tropical Forest Products, we understand that forests can only be protected if the value of the renewable resources they produce, naturally exceeds the value of converting those forests to non-forest-based agricultural use. Long live the Rainforest.

We must all ask ourselves the question: If not wood, what?… and are the alternative building materials available to the market more or less environmentally benign?

Tropical Forest Products… A Renewable Resource-Based Company.

About the Author

Meet Brian Lotz, General Manager of US Operations, Technical and Environmental Compliance Director for Tropical Forest Products and industry Influencer. With over 40 years of experience in the exotic hardwood business, Brian brings a wealth of knowledge that enhances the company’s commitment to sustainability within the imported and domestic hardwood industry. Brian was responsible for spearheading the 38th FSC Chain of Custody Certification for his company in North America, the Fields to Forests Tropical Reforestation Program and the TFP Legal Lumber “Due Care” Compliance Program. As we explore the impact of super-durable tropical hardwoods on multiple industries, Brian’s insight offers a unique lens, underscoring the harmonious interplay between skillful artisanship, biophilic design and sustainable ethos.

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