Caribbean walnut, also called Tzalam, Sabicu and False Tamarind (scientific name: Lysilomabahamense and L. latisiliquum), has a light to medium brown heartwood, occasionally with a purple or red hue, and dark brown streaks are common. Is sapwood is pale greay-white and distinguishable from the heartwood. Its texture is open and uniform, itsluster is medium, and its grain is straight.
Caribbean walnut is commonly found in Central America and Mexico. It is very durable and resistant to most insect attack.
Janka Hardness :
6,230 N(1,400 lbf)
Average Dried Weight :
780 kg/m3(49 lbs/ft3)
Workability :
Caribbean walnut’s natural properties make it good for working on. This lumber can have a blunting effect on cutting tools. It is good with glues, and it turns and finishes well. It can take a high natural polish.