

Cumaru, also called Brazilian Teak (scientific name: Dipteryxodorata), has a medium to dark brown heartwood with a red or purple hue. Some pieces of wood can have streaks of green-brown or yellow. Its texture is medium and has a waxy feel, and the grain is interlocked.

Cumaru is commonly found in central and northern South America. It is very durable and highly resistant to decay and termite attack.

Janka Hardness :

14,800 N(3,330 lbf)

Average Dried Weight :

1,085 kg/m3(68 lbs/ft3)

Workability :

Cumaru is difficult to work with because of its density and interlocked grain. Lumber with less interlocked grain can be surface planed to a smooth finish. Expect a moderate blunting effect on cutting tools if the lumber contains silica. Cumaru’s high oil content and density make gluing difficult. Before nailing or screwing, pre-boring is required.


Pricing / Availability

Renowned for its lumber’s high tensile strength and hardness, Cumaru is a cheap exotic wood, especially when considering it is imported.



Cumaru is not mentioned on the IUCN’s Red List or in the CITES Appendices.


Common Uses

Preferred for heavy construction, ship docks, and railroad ties, due to its durability and affordability, it is also widely used to make furniture, cabinetry, tool handles, and flooring.

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