Technical Data


Tropical Pro is one of the most highly regarded natural decking materials. As a completely natural product, it is an eco-friendly choice. Its strength, hardness, and beauty make it excellent for outdoor decking and siding applications. Tropical Pro wood is resistant to rot, insect attack, mold, and even marine borers – exceptional attributes that do not require toxic chemical treatments.

Tropical Pro wood is naturally fire-resistant and is rated A1 for its fire resistance. The wood has high wear durability and resists splinters and checks. It is not uncommon to see Tropical Pro wood decks last 70+ years!

Tropical Forest Products sources Tropical Pro wood from forests that have been legally restricted for lumber. Our lumber is certified at source and during shipping by an independent third party.


Names: Tropical Pro, Brazilian Walnut, Lapacho

Scientific name: Handroanthus spp.

Weight: 1,100 kg/m3 (69 lbs/ft3)

Specific gravity: 91 (basic), 1.10 (12% MC)

Janka Hardness: 15,620 N (3,510 lbf)

Hardness: A Tropical Pro deck is approximately three times stronger than teak and eight times harder than California Redwood, as tested under ASTM-D143.

Expansion and Contraction: Approximately 5.9% radial, 7.2% tangential, and 12% volumetric. A 6” air-dried board will move an average of 1/16”. There is a small movement after milling as well.

Fire resistance: In Canada, the Tropical Pro decking board has passed the Intermittent Flame Test and The Spread of Flame Test for the CAN/ULC S107 equivalent of ANSI /UL 790 (Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Roof Coverings) and is rated Class A. This makes it suitable for a rooftop finishing material in non-combustible building class buildings, putting it in the same class as steel. In the U.S., Tropical Pro wood has been tested by the National Fire Protection Agency, which gave it the highest Flame spread classification: Up to Class A, Uniform Building Code, Class 1.

Termite resistance: Tropical Pro has received the highest rating from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory.

Durability and longevity: Untreated Tropical Pro decking will last 40 years and more. If the deck is oiled or finished on all four sides before installation, it can last 70+ years.

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