Spanish Cedar

Spanish Cedar

Spanish Cedar, also called Cedro(scientific name: Cedrelaodorata), has a heartwood of light pink to red-brown color. Pockets of natural oils and gum are to be expected. Its texture is medium, luster is moderate and grain is straight or slightly interlocked.

Spanish Cedaris commonly found in the Central and South America and the Caribbean. It is rated durable to moderately durable for decay, and is resistant to termite attack.

Janka Hardness :

2,670 N(600 lbf)

Average Dried Weight :

470 kg/m3(29 lbs/ft3)

Workability :

Easy to work with hand tools and machine tools. Softness and low density can cause fuzzy surface during machining. For a smooth surface use sharp cutters and additional fine-grit sanding. Finishing is difficult as natural pockets of gum remain wet or ooze, causing cutting blades to gum up and clog.


Pricing / Availability

Spanish Cedar is usually available in sufficient quantities in the markets as a low to medium-priced imported lumber with its thinner variants of lumber (1/4’’ in particular) being used extensively in small liners and similar small crafts.



This wood type has made its way onto the CITES Appendix III as well as the IUCN’s Red List, wherein it is labeled as ‘vulnerable’ as it has lost a fifth of its population in just the last 3 generations; with some of the loss being down to the natural decline of its species and some of it is down to human exploitation.


Common Uses

It is largely used in the manufacturing process of boats and ships, with it also being utilized as plywood, in the manufacture of musical instruments, in veneer, and cabinetry.

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