Tiger Wood

Tiger Wood

Tiger Wood, also called Tigerwood, Goncalo Alves, and Jobillo(scientific name: Astroniumgraveolens and A. fraxinifolium), has a heartwood of reddish-brown color, with irregular streaks of black/dark brown. Its texture is fine and uniform, luster is good and grain is usually interlocked or wavy (sometimes straight).

Tiger Wood is commonly found in Mexico and southwards to Brazil. It is very durable, resists decay, and has excellent weathering.

Janka Hardness :

9,640 N(2,170 lbf)

Average Dried Weight :

905 kg/m3(57 lbs/ft3)

Workability :

Not particularly difficult to work with despite high density. Lumber with irregular and figured grain can make machining and planing difficult. It has a moderate blunting effect on cutting tools. It is difficult to glue because of resistance to moisture absorption. It turns and finishes well.


Pricing / Availability

It is a versatile and moderately priced imported wood that is readily available in a wide array of sizes, lengths, and types; it is available as lumber, small craft blanks, and veneer.



It is not mentioned on the IUCN’s Red List and in the CITES Appendices.


Common Uses

It has several applications with some of the important ones being in veneers, cabinetry, furniture, flooring, and in turned items. It is especially used in crafting specialty wooden items like archery bows and pool cues.

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